Re: [Epic]Insiginia

From: Grey Wolf <greywolf_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:59:46 -0700

I do not think that this is a good idea. If you make your army Nazis you
will be judged in a certain light that you may not like. It is like if you
wear certain clothes you will be judged as if you belong to that culture.
This may not be true but perception is reality for most people. It may be
wrong but what can you do. If you look like a punker (nothing wrong with
punkers BTW) you are one in the eyes of most. There is no history of these
troops in the 40K history. Couldn't you come up with something not so
hurtful. I do not belong to any ethic minority and I think it is hurtful.
My reasoning is:

a) You are not playing a historical game (if you were I have no problem
with your choice)
b) There are many other Insignia that do not cause such bad feelings. Why
bring something up like Nazi Germany. If you paint your men in those
colours but leave out the insignia then I have no problem with it.
c) You must be able to come up with something a bit more original. There
must be plenty of Insignia out there. You bring up something that has no
baring on the game. What makes you _want_ to lead such a group in a world
without them? Sure the Empire is not filled with good doer's, but it is a
imaginary place that has no link to the real world.

Anyway I'm sure a lot of you think I'm getting carried away but that is how
I feel.


Received on Tue Feb 10 1998 - 23:59:46 UTC

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