Re: [Epic] Eldar bikes (was Uncheesy detachments)

From: COOK MATTHEW JOHN <PBS4661_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:21:49 +0000

On 9 Feb 98 at 16:56, Scott Shupe wrote:

> Thane Morgan wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I tried using them a few times. They tended to die in
> > > droves, and were too pathetic to assault anything, and too few and
> > > ineffectual to hold an objective properly. I switched to jetbikes and
> > > aspects after a while, since jetbikes are the real fodder unit in the
> > > Eldar army. Horrible at everything, but dirt cheap. My bikers
> > > consistently died horribly while doing nothing more than holding up
> > > enemy detachments or taking fire from stuff they charged to distract
> > > them. Only problem is, you can't hold an objective with bikes alone
> > > unless there's clear terrain nearby, since you couldn't hover above
> > > rough terrain. Aspects held my forest and building objectives.
> >
> > The bikes were allowed to enter forests and such, as they were clasified
> > as bikes.
> Jetbikes still aren't allowed to, though - forests are
> difficult terrain for bike/calvary units, and skimmers cannot end
> their movement in difficult terrain (as of TL). This of course
> further weakened the Eldar jetbike hordes, which suddenly found
> themselves getting shot down in close combat and unable to contest
> those forest objectives once TL was published. I think, in the
> end, the wind rider host was fairly priced.
I think I heard of a solution to this, if you want to move jet bikes
or other skimmers that count it as difficultt into woods count as
difficult terrain ie half movement, but if you want to skim over and
not suffer move penalty then you can't stop over the woods.
This reflects the Jet Bikes going in under the canopy at a slower
speed to miss the obstacles ie not running into tree, whislt still
having ability to go over.
This may be complicated by lots of woods where you are unsure of
edges as the bikes couldnt enter through the top only through the
side etc so is the gap small enough for it to be one wood or is it
Sorry I dont think I explained that well but hopefully you understand
what I mean.

         *** M J COOK ***
AKA: Ghaz,Ghazgkull,Mat,Sparrow,Cookie,Walter Tatum,
     Alberto Giovanni,Damien Black,Joshua,Dct Strank
     Peter Jones & some I can't remember!
Received on Wed Feb 11 1998 - 16:21:49 UTC

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