Re: [Epic] "Chaos Horde" Boxed Set

From: Colen <brother_morgan_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:39:22 +0000

Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...> scribbles:
>Sauron1 writes; COLEN:
> Whats the bet they screwup the rest of the TITANS into BattleTeck

I quite like the new Titans... but I hope they at least leave the
Warhound alone. It's quite good, as are the Eldar ones.

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister, wargamer extrordinaire     X    OOOX===========>
 brother_morgan_at_..., UIN 2149443 ('Morgan')   X
"The Pentium Processor - Now you CAN divide by zero!" - Intel Inside
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 19:39:22 UTC

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