RE: [Epic] Playing Too Much

From: Carl Woodrow <carl.woodrow_at_...>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 06:49:34 -0000

You probably know more than me on that score as I don't really pester them =
over anything other than Epic related stuff. Occasionally I get a few snipp=
ets regarding WH40K but that is mostly to do with ideas they are working on=
 or new releases.

I'll get Ghorbadd to poke a few of the squigs and see wh=
at emerges, but I have to be a bit careful as if I start asking lots of que=
stions about the rest of the GW goings on as opposed to just Epic they tend=
 to clam up on me.

Sorry I don't know more...


Carl Woodrow - G=
ene-seed and Dropship Editor

Gryphonne IV Gene-seed

-----Original Message-----
From: Sauron Moridor =
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 1998 4:14 AM
To: s=
Subject: Re: [Epic] Playing Too Much

Sauron1 writes=
; Carl;

    Any whispers on Space Ship Battles game? Is it still a clone o=
f Silent
Death "Fighter vs Fighter"? Or moved back up to the Capital Ship =


Received on Sat Feb 14 1998 - 06:49:34 UTC

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