Re: Re[2]: [Epic] OFF TOPIC Americans in UK

From: Chris Miller <ironstar_at_...>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 16:25:04 -0600

>> Chris Miller
>Miller! ah ha!
---------> Eh? I put that at the end of every e-mail. You just finish
sounding it out?
>Now i understand your reasoning....
---------> Hmmm, ok now what exactly does this mean? Based on previous
posts I would expect some kind of racial/ethnic tie-in, though I can't think
of a less ethnic name than the one I have. Care to expound upon this
>1st Lieutenant Erik Turner
>United States Marines Corps
Well _this_ certainly appears to be a subject of debate. At least he's
dropped the Totenreich thing, but then I used a handle when I was 13, too.

Chris Miller
Received on Sun Feb 15 1998 - 22:25:04 UTC

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