SV: [Epic] That's it!

From: staffan raupach <z96rast_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 12:12:37 +0100

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr�n: Bloodax218_at_... <Bloodax218@...>
Till: space-marine_at_... <space-marine@...>
Datum: den 15 februari 1998 00:33
�mne: Re: [Epic] That's it!

>Rommel was quite likely a traitor, and the only thing a traitor deserves is
>bullet in the head (no matter which side he was on). Period.

Yes Rommel was a traitor he was involved in several attemts on Hitlers life
and that's why Gestapo gave him an offer he couldnt resist, either sucide by
poison, bullet in the head, he choose poison not to dishounor his family,
this was in the regimes? intrest as Rommel was a renowned war hero, and it
would not look good if the Feld marschalk were to be revealed as a traitor.

>Also, you are forgetting that Hitler was a WWI hero, not a simple

In what way was Hitler a hero in W.W.I, what did he do to deserve this. He
was a corporal, and was I if I remember correctly wounded during the better
part of the war.He was not in any way known to the public at this time.

Received on Mon Feb 16 1998 - 11:12:37 UTC

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