Re: [Epic] Second tactical Hint for the Day

From: Aaron <akkala_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 10:46:32 -0600

Sean Robert Smith wrote:

> Chrimeras are expensive transports compared to Rhinos (14 vs 7 points), I find
> that Chrimeras are not worth the cost. That maybe because we use different
> tactics through.Still I would rather have the additional IG infantry squads
> and support weapons (Chrimeras don't have AT shoots).

Without transport, my guys tend to run (march) around without shooting
at anyone. I do use my Chimera different that Rhinos. Mostly, Rhinos
drop off thier SM and keep moving, staying well ahead to soak up
dammage. I keep my Chimeras about 15cm behine my Guardsmen to add a
little extra firepower. They may not be worth 14 pts but I usually don't
have much choice (gotta move my guys). They can be used to carry Support
Weapons if you can find some to spare.

> >
> >It seems that once my opponents sees my 4 Basalisks he spreads his guys
> >out so I rarely get more than 2 units under any template. I find that
> >barrage/hvy barrage attacks aren't worth it.
> I find that I usually get three enemy units under a template and the fear
> my artillery causes is well worth its expense.

I wish I could, but for 2 fp they are nor really worth 41 points.

                                          -- Aaron
Received on Mon Feb 16 1998 - 16:46:32 UTC

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