Re: [Epic] SM Chaos

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 17:09:21 -0500

Colen Not Colin McAlister wrote:
> Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...> scribbles:
> >> When I said "support" I meant the number and quality of the models
> >> release. My friends and I tried to play Heavy Gear for a while, but
> >> after a couple years they still only had about 10 models each for only
> >> two sides.
> >
> > Which is very much the same problem that WHFB players
> >face, yes? (especially the Dark Elf ones?)
> No; there are plenty of miniatures out. Not sure where you got the idea
> from...

        Plenty of miniatures perhaps, but not the complete ranges. I
don't play FB, but I know it's the case with WH40k and from what I've
heard there are similar problems with the WHFB range. Also, I've
heard that so far GW has failed to produce miniatures for some of the
DE rank and file troops.

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"All good people are asleep and dreaming"
Received on Mon Feb 16 1998 - 22:09:21 UTC

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