Re: [Epic] trivia quiz [on topic]

From: Carl Billen <billenc_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 15:03:23 +0100

>Are you familiar with the following 2 names?
>Question 1: In which GW games do they appear and for what?

IIRC they are Imperial Guard vehicles which appeared for the Adeptus
Titanicus/SM1 game; I believe I even have drawings and the SM1 stats at home
of them (they appeared at the same moment as the Big Battlewagon, the
Tempest, the Gorgon and the Bombard). (They could also be Space Marine
vehicles, like the Capitolis Imperialis which had additions for the Space
Marine Army List and the Imperial Guard Army list. The picture of the 'Epic
Battlescene' I mailed to several people (it was the back cover of WD 130
IIRC), showed a Capitolis Imperialis and a Hellbore from the Space Wolves.)

>Quastion 2: What is a "Killer Dreadnought"?
I thought that in the beginnig there were two types of Ork Dreadnoughts :
one with two legs and two arms, while the other one was bigger and had 4
arms/claws/guns instead of only two. I believe the bigger one was called
the 'Killer Dreadnought'

>Mail your guesses NOW because when you read your following mails there
>may already be guesses from other people ;-)
Remember, it is only a guess... but I will probably look it up as soon as I
get home ^_-.

Carl Billen
Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 14:03:23 UTC

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