Re: [Epic] Unit Transformations from SM to E40K

From: Los <los_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 11:03:17 -0800

J. Michael Looney wrote:

> OK, assuming that it is based on the current MRLS system (yeah, I
> know....) The missile is designed to do "Air burst" and scatters sub
> munitions over the impact area. Lots of grenade sized things, not one
> huge thing. Great way to kill infantry in the open, not so good
> against
> armor.

This would aslo be a great way to kill those advancing tyranid hodes,
something I've been having trouble with. (because we are playing 2000pt
SMt vs 4500pt T.)

Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 19:03:17 UTC

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