Re: [Epic] Favorite Detachments

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 15:55:35 -0500

Miller, Chris wrote:
> Ok, in effort to have more than one thread going at a time on
> the list, I have two items:
> 1) Has anyone tried just porting a unit over directly from SM/TL to
> E40K? I know the army list changes make some of this impossible, but
> there should be some things that are possible - Ork units, maybe some IG
> units, The LR company - I ask because many of us have these predefined
> units ready made for the old version, yet in the new one I tend to use
> such different setups that it's hard to use the old groups. The LR co.
> is easy, but how bout an ork horde based on the old 4 nobz + 15 boyz
> setup, with some tanks or squiggoths or something added in...

        Why would you want to, really? Any detachment that is
company-sized is too large, IMO. 10 LRs in a single detachment?
Better hope your opponent doesn't have disrupt weapons... And
making detachments squadron-sized seems too small to me.

> 2) If you're like many of us and have certain ready-made units which you
> use repeatedly, what's your favorite and why? Go ahead and list 'em out
> - if you have something good, we might want to copy them...

        I'm still experimenting, myself. About the only
detachment I use consistently is 10 fleshounds/flamers led by
either a LoC or a Bloodthirster (which didn't get to maul
anything last time I played, much to my disappointment, but
it did absorb LOTS of firepower - having a save is great!)

> I haven't finished this one yet, but my hot new unit is a mechanized
> marine assault force of:
> 3 preds
> 3 razorbacks
> 3 more razorbacks
> 2 attack bikes
> 2 whirlwinds
> The razors carry 4 assault marine stands, the captain, and the
> librarian.

        whirlwinds in an assault force?

> I have no LR's and no Vindies as I want to keep the speed up.
> Right now, everything has 30cm speed, at least one fp, and decent range
> on that firepower. I should be able to generate 18fp minimum, less BM's
> and casualties.
> I'm debating on whether to add some rhinos in to carry some tac marines,
> devastators, termies, or to put more assault marines in the razors and
> put cap and the psyker in their own rhinos, as there's just not too many
> assault troops.

        I'd leave the devs and tacs out of it. Termies might
be OK, but you'd have to transport them in razorbacks (you can
buy razorbacks seperately, can't you?), or add some LRs.

> I also have the option to add one landspeeder, mainly because I have one
> leftover from a package and 2 more fp wouldn't hurt.
> The mission concept behind these guys in addition to the above is that I
> already have a "move onto a good spot, park, and shoot", force already
> which uses LR's, devastators, and whirlwinds, so I want a high-fp mobile
> force which can do some decent assaults and keep on moving, and too much
> reliance on support weapons and shooty infantry will dilute that.
> Oh, and these will probably be painted as Space Wolves because I
> 1) find them easy to paint and detail, especially on tanks (Testors
> "Flat Gull Grey" is just a beautiful color, and comes in easy to apply
> spraycans which match the almost as easy to apply brush paint version
> very well)

        Wow - I'm not the only one who uses Testors!

> 2) am sick of painting Ultras, which were about 6000 points of my SM/TL
> marine force

        I don't see how you managed to paint that many smurfs
in the 1st place.... yech.

> 3) I can use that cheesy special space wolves rule if someone wants to
> play with optional rules, making my assault troops even meaner.
> 4) I still have tons of those cool little stick-on banners from SM1 and
> the Space Wolves ones still look good. ( I may paint up some "Sons of
> Horus" chaos marines just to use theirs - black and white with the red
> horus eye in the middle - slick)

        Never heard these mentioned before. Did they come with
AT? Are there any other chaos symbols besides the eye of horus?
Would you be willing to part with the chaos ones? =)

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"You can't throw me to the lions! I'm Charlton Heston!" - Lard
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 20:55:35 UTC

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