Brett Hollindale wrote:
> OK. I get the point. As I mentioned, SM 1st edition is actually
> before my time (I may come across as a dinosaur, but I've only be playing for
> about five years...) and I wasn't aware that more 1st edition existed. My
> gaming crowd has a copy of the black book we picked up second hand and that's
> just about all we know about 1st edition...
> I think you need to realise that there is a big difference between not
> knowing something (genuine ignorance) and ignoring facts that you have
> in your possession in order to make your argument sound more reasonable.
I think I had mentioned on the list that 1st Ed did have more rules than
just the basic box set, after the first 2 or 3 times that you made your
statement about only 1 race. I thought I would drive the point home by
doing to 2nd ed, what you were doing to 1st.
> I wasn't attacking E40K (although you should certainly be forgiven
> forthinking that I might have been :-). If I HAD been, (and armed
> with the info that I have now) I probably would have sugested that even the
> almighty GW realises that having only a hugely limited number of units (as they
> did in the first release of SM where all you had was Marines and Traitor
> Marines) is unacceptable becuase the quickly brought out three
> expansions to increase diversity...
1) I don't thing of GW as almighty. I like some of their rules (like,
say all 3 epic versions). I don't like their attitude towards wargamer
who don't play just GW games. I don't like their current marketing
practice. Hell, I don't even like the "GW 'Eavy Metal" style of
painting. I don't like the fact the "GAMES Workshop" seems to think
that PAINTING is more important than game playing.
2) The order of 1st ed rules was Adeptus Titanicus (which, BTW claimed
that Titans are Giant Robots), Space Marine, then "Codex Titanicus",
which added in the basic rules for Orks and Eldar. After that it was
all WD articles. By the time that you find and count up all the Ork
stuff in WD articles it gets into the SM/TL/WL range of numbers.
3) Both AT and SM 1st were written to replay battles of the Horus
Heresy. Complaining that it doesn't have other races and units is sort
of like bitching about a set of rules for, say, Waterloo, that doesn't
have rules for B-52 air strikes.
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
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