Re: [Epic] Epi ignored

From: Tim MacPherson <tim_macpherson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 00:05:26 -0800

I think the thing I miss the most in White Dwarf now( opposed to a
year or two ago) is the Mike McVey Masterclass articles. What the hell
happened to them. If you ask they were the best part of that
magazine..period! I learned to paint from those articles and I am happy to
say I can paint to a pretty good standard from the tips I got from them. But
hey ...I still want more! Did they fire the guy or what?
As for Epic articles...I am happy to see ANY in there! I certainly don't
see any Necromunda articles these days!

Hive Tyrant Tim

> Hell, I even liked the "J" files and where's it been? The battle
>reports went south, bigtime, though they may be making a recovery. The
>painting and modeling articles are thin to rare too. I get reprints from
>already-released codexes instead of new or alternate material. How about
>advanced campaign ideas for all of the Big 3 games? We had some for
>Fantasy, then NADA.
> OK, enough ranting. They have a new editor, maybe it'll get better.
>Chris Miller
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 08:05:26 UTC

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