Re: [Epic] Ork (was ÄEpicÅ Painting)

From: Erik Östberg <gandalf_at_...>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 14:54:59 +0200

> > How can you say that?
> > Tolkien's Orcs have black-grey skin, and they are the ones
> > always referred to as original orcs.
> Are you familiar with the difference between an Ork and an Orc?
Orcs are
> off topic here.

In Warhammer they're called Orcs, and they look exactly the same
as the Orks, so saying that Orks (Orcs) have to be green is still
wrong, I think. Perhaps in GW's world it's a true statement, but
calling all other ways of thinking a heresy is a bit strange.
Received on Thu Mar 05 1998 - 12:54:59 UTC

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