[Epic] trivia quiz for REAL old timers -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 15:50:37 +0000

In the earliest possible version of Epic there were 10 (ten) kinds of

1) Name them.

2) What kind of grenades did they carry?

1) Assault, tactical, support, devestator, and command squads for
Space Marines and Imperial Guard
(WD110 or therabouts, I'm at work and I'm relying on my memory)

2) Assault had crack, devestators had none, others had frag. IIRC


This was a supplement in WD for Adeptus Titanicus, you had to
photocopy/cut up the magazine, colour the counters yourself. Who
cares about paintschemes.

PS should it not be twenty different types ? There were different
counters for loyalists and rebels - though the stats were the same.

Krass, who really shouldn't be remembering this stuff.
Received on Mon Mar 09 1998 - 15:50:37 UTC

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