Re: [Epic] My Database, AGAIN

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 22:56:41 -0700

anvil_at_... wrote:
> > I was wondering if those detats weren't too big. I guess tyrannids
> > suffer less a liability from big units than most armies, since they
> > largely ignore the effects of blastmarkers and cheap firefights. You may
> > want to try splitting those in half, or adding a few more synapse
> > creatures to reduce the effect of SHW's picking them off. I haven't
> > played many big point tyrannid units (yet), so I may be completely off
> > base. I'm playing a 3000 point game of bugs vs squats (playing against
> > my own rules again; I hardly ever get to play my squat rules, but seem
> > to constantly play against them.)
> >
> > Thane
> These det's almost always loose firefights, and they sometimes loose
> assaults, but they always come back for more. I don't know if my
> opponent hasn't keyed into killing synapse creatures or if he has an
> unnatural fear of assault spawn, but there you are. He has even allowed
> the bio-titans and dominatrix to be 100pts less each because they (I)
> are so ineffectual. Still, any time that I've used biotitans I've lost.
> Guess thats $150 down the drain!
> anvil

Yeah, they really seem to have gutted the biotitan. I'm going to try to
take my absurdly well painted Hierophant against the squats on
thursday,, and I'm debating on wheter to put together the other 3
titans, just to see how they do in bulk. I suspect that they can be ok
in lots of terrain, but I really can't see where the 480 points comes
from. 3 deathrays and its done for, yet a reaver would hardly notice.
I'm sure this is a lack of playtesting problem. I can field two really
nasty CC units which can munch on anything for those points.

Do your opponents try meeting your detats with equally big ones. I think
that would be a total feeding frenzy most of the time. I think if I were
playing against I'd spread the detats out to where you couldn't get to
more than one a turn, and getting to one would hopefully mean you didn't
get to another the next turn. Easy to say though, huh.

I've only used three trygons up to now, though I just painted six
haruspex and I've got another six trygons to go. How have they worked
for you? I'm having some trouble deciding how to use them.

Also, I just painted my 6 dactylis, but again am not sure if they're
anything more than a diversion. How have you used them?

Received on Tue Mar 10 1998 - 05:56:41 UTC

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