RE: [Epic] CJ21 Knights

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 08:11:14 -0600

> Yes, I looked there - great page - but I didnt realize that was the
> CJ21
> stuff. It only lists Knights, knight Castellan and Knight Baron
> (doing
> this from memory) but I have something metal called a knight lancer
> (3
> per pack) and a knight errant (1 per pack) and one other 3 pack.
> These guys are just vanilla knights?
-------> My orks used to have Bonecrunchas, Bonebreakas, Lungburstas,
Gutrippas, Gobsmashas, etc. Now they're vanilla battlewagons.

Welcome to E40K.

I'm not down on the game, but it is different in the #of units
department, and the knights got the same "thinning out" that evreryone
else did. Try 'em out anyway - you may still like them, as from the
battle reports on the list, they're doing pretty well. I think all of
them having a "save" might have something to do with it.

Chris Miller
Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 14:11:14 UTC

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