Re: [Epic] Space Fleet : Ork Ships

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:04:02 -0700

Michael Reed wrote:
> > Excerpts from Epic: 10-Mar-98 Re: [Epic] Space Fleet (off.. by Thane
> > Morgan_at_...
> > >but need some info on other
> > > races space vehicles.

> The old "Waaargh Orks" source book had some info on Ork spacecraft.
> What follows is pretty well a direct quotation of the book.

> Hope this helps.
> Mike Reed

Thanks, this will help. How do other races board each others ships in GW
fluff. GSC rules already cover transporters (good analogs for orks),
Grappling and single squad pods. Are there any weird systems that would
fall into these categories?

Also, I suddenly realized why I was having trouble making GSC
nightwings: they changed them drastically. They used to be Gunship sized
craft which individually were more than a match for a Thunder hawk. Now
they are really fighters. Does anyone have a decent description of the
weapons on the new nightwings (and other eldar ships) or better yet, a
scanned picture.

This drifts into another subject. The latest White Dwarf (219?) didn't
have ANY E40K adverts that I could find. That is kind of ominous.

Received on Sat Mar 14 1998 - 05:04:02 UTC

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