Re: [Epic] Re: (OT) Heinlein's Style (was Modelling an Entire Chapter)

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 21:55:48 -0700

J. Michael Looney wrote:
> pentacle_at_... wrote:
> >
> > >Lets see. Pages 248-251 "Hammers Slammers", Ace Paperback version.
> > >
> > >As soon as I get a chance I will type in the TO&E / Army list.
> > >
> > >As it happens it works out to 808 infantry, 68 tanks, and 200 combat
> > >cars
> > >
> > >Still a big ass force.
> > >
> > But still within the chapter range, and not as big as all the chapters
> > together. I am thinking through this and having a small problem, in that
> > there are no jeeps in the game. What to use as combat cars. 200 Rhinos is
> > totally unapealling. Light tanks like the Razorback maybe. And attack
> > bikes. But for the 68tanks I would think that Baneblades and shadow swords
> > would be required.Oh well just have to try to find my old copy of the book.
> The combat cars are AFV, not jeeps. I didn't mention the 288
> hover-trucks for a reason. Razorbacks come real close, in E-40K terms.
> And if you are limited to the "real" E40K stuff then Shadow Swords, NOT
> Bane Blades for the Panzers.

68 Shadowswords, eh? If anyone from GW sales is reading this, they are
now wettting their pants in anticipation of the order.

68 shadow swords works out to 7480 points. That would be a blast on a
6X8 table!

Received on Sat Mar 14 1998 - 04:55:48 UTC

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