Re: [Epic] Re: SCA

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 07:26:35 GMT

>> It (the Society for Creative Anachonism) started 31 years ago in Berkley
>> California as a
>> 60's "protest against the 20th century" costume party and grew from there.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Snicker, Snicker... <g>
> Chen-song

Yeah, some of us socialy disfunctional medievalists actually have a sense of
humour (our only saving grace I expect).

The name "Society for Creative Anachronism" has an interesting history too
(and I'm just rude enough to share it...)

Mercedes Lackey (a moderately well known authoress) was booking a park for
the group to hold a tourney and the local council asked for the name of the
club. It didn't have one, so on the spur of the moment she gave it one
which was so clever that it stuck...

Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 07:26:35 UTC

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