Re: [Epic] Net Epic (pinning)

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 07:30:56 GMT

At 04:39 PM 19/2/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Someone else addressed vehicles pinning each other as something they've
>always found as silly, so I mine as well throw in an idea I've had for a
>while. Too represent the fact that the vehicles don't have actual holds on
>each other I have two alternative systems I've been thinking about:
>a. If a vehicle is pinned, it may opt to try to escape anyways. If it does
>so then when leaving, any units in CC with it get to take immediate
>shots against it if they wish (though this will keep them from firing
>later in the turn) and if they decide to fire, any shots automatically
>hit against its rear

"automatically hit" is a bit rough. I was figuring that flyers would end up
with something like this and I was going to propose "a round of shooting at
the rear" as being fairly appropriate...


>b. If a vehicle is pinned, it may opt to try to escape anyways. If it does
>so then when leaving, a round of CC is immediately fought. The fleeing
>unit rolls 2 less dice then usual, and if it wins the CC, then the unit
>that was pinning it suffers no damage, but the fleeing unit gets away.
>If the unit that was pinning it wins then the vehicle dies/takes a hit
>as usual.
>Both of these have the advantage of being more realistic, while not changing
>game balance overly much, as the odds of getting away safely in either case
>are rather low. I personally favour "b" more, but figured I'd throw both
>ideas out to see what everyone thought.
>Michael the Liu
Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 07:30:56 UTC

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