Re: [Epic] (Off Topic) Quake 2
At 11:51 17/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I understand where you are coming from. However, this guy had no
>intention of making any profit whatsoever on the TC. He did it just for
>teh love of Quake and Warhammer and he wanted to release it as s TC to
>the general public. There are many Quake TCs that have been taken from
>games, movies whatsoever and been released to teh public. GW knowing
>this falls into the category could just as well had said fine release it
>as long as there's no profit made. Instead they are trying to make more
>mney out of this small time guy, which basically means that the user
>community will never get their hands on this excellent Quake TC. Instead
>it will just die on the vine. It's really a shame for us.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I would love to see something like this
come about (especially being the tight-fisted person I am =) but I cannot.
As GW state so often, every time they knowingly allow anyone to use their
intellectual property without permission, it weakens their case when they
have to take the REAL problem-people to court. As a result, WE suffer. But
I would rather that than see GW go out of business altogether...
>I'm not saying I disagree with you, but it's clear that some companies
>are a little bit more anal on this matter than others, and noone is more
>anal than Games Workshop.
agreed! oh well.. I guess we'll just have to see what happens and hope eh?
Doug Veal
Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 04:21:11 UTC
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