Re: [Epic] EPIC40k Rumor (Control)

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:58:00 -0600

At 07:04 PM 2/19/97 -0800, you wrote:

>> Fast roping out of helos is faster and has less chance of detection, not
>> mention it doens' weigh down grunts with a bunch of stupid para-gear.
>also damn fun!! yeeeee-haaaah!
>(although droppin onto the deck of a pitching LPD scarred the willies out
>of me!
>over deck...over water... over deck... over water... damn cross wind...

Sounds fun. No, really. I mean that.

>> Outstanding. There's nothing more valuable to a jarhead than a good
>> corpsman. (And nothing more useless than a bad one . . .)
>damn straight! you find a worthless HM let us know...
>we good one know how to make 'em non-deployable right quick..

Actually, the ones I've run into are about 50/50 in the good/bad ratio.

>ps - plan on stayin' green side for the durration

Got tired of playing with the squidlies, did you?

Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 14:58:00 UTC

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