RE: [Epic] house rules (was Re: General Enquiry)

From: <pentacle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 18:58:33 -0500

>> The main problem I have with fluff arguments is (1) fluff
>> is not rules, it's color text and means nothing, at best it gives
>> you an idea of what a 'typical' force is made of but who says you
>> always have to play a typical army? And (2) (more importantly)
>> different people have different interpretations of the fluff. As
>> an example, in WH40k I've heard arguments both for and against the
>> all-aspect eldar army, both based on the background. Which side
>> is right?

I don't think I am in the minority when I say that the thing that drew me
to the game was the fluff. Making a true to fluff army that can win is a
great part of the chalenge. I chose Dark Angels because of their fluff, and
that is also why I don't include Imperial Guard in my army list. I even
went so far as to create a new chapter based on the DA with its own fluff.

The armies I've seen built that I liked the best were the ones that were
true to their fluff. Now we all know that the secondary reason for the
fluff, is that we buy more of the different minis and GW makes more money,
but what the hell all in all this is one of my cheaper hobbies.

As President of SNTN I am currently going to get the Tyrannid Codex so I
can fully understand the level of its depravity, but alos because I am
totally unaware of its codex makeup. After facing many armies that were
Genestealers, with Tyrants, carnies, and Lictors, I was beginning to wonder
whether termies and hormies were actually in the book.

If anyone wants to post their all fluff armies I would love to catalog them
on my machine. I recently got some web space and would love to post some of
other peoples armies on the page.

                President SNTN
                Aerich Frodoson

        We the members of Say No To Nids, have determines that for the sake
        of unsupspecting Terminators, Imperial Guard Cavalry, Exarcts, and Mekboy
        Warwagonz, that the continuation of the playing of these atrocities is
        against the best interest of our armies.
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 23:58:33 UTC

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