Re: [Epic] Satans work OFF TOPIC

From: <pentacle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:13:34 -0500

At 11:15 PM 3/26/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Brett Hollindale wrote:
>> > I wouldn't say that Vampire players are more nuts than
>> >other RPG players... Certainly they're not any more nuts than
>> >people heavily involved in the SCA.
>> Watch it... I'm "pretty heavily involved in the SCA" and I'm not nuts!!!
>> (I may think that E40K is a work of the devil, but I'm NOT nuts... :-)
>...and I may be on the opposite side to Agro in the E40K issue, but I
>founded what's now an SCA Barony (Politarchopolis).
>Whether I'm Nuts or not is another issue. Further Deponent Sayith Not.

Most of the people I played with there (especially Space Marine commanders)
were hard suiters in the SCA. Great bunch of guys, except when you beat
them they got their revenge on fighter practice days. Still a little stiff
from the last time I beat Mark.

                President SNTN
                Aerich Frodoson

        We the members of Say No To Nids, have determines that for the sake
        of unsupspecting Terminators, Imperial Guard Cavalry, Exarcts, and Mekboy
        Warwagonz, that the continuation of the playing of these atrocities is
        against the best interest of our armies.
Received on Fri Mar 27 1998 - 20:13:34 UTC

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