Re: [Epic] Ork 2000 pts

From: Alexis Nahib Delgado Saab <alexis_usb_at_...>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 21:37:38 PST

>Alexis Nahib Delgado Saab wrote:
>> It should be interesting because Ork are all i play and i agree
>> this army list is pretty good, but i think i=B4ll go with a GG
instead =
>> a MG and maybe i=B4ll get a couple more Flyboyz
>Yes, this could possibly be better. Another variant might be to cut out
>the Boarboyz and get another Flyboy.
>As an alternate to the 5 Warengines, for the same price (425) you can
>get 20 Battlewagons, including a Psyker and a Warboss, plus 2 Death
>speedstas. Same Transport capacity too..=20
>aebrain_at_... <> <> How doth the little Crocodile
>| Alan & Carmel Brain| xxxxx Improve his shining tail?
>| Canberra Australia | xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM
> abrain_at_... o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo oo oo oo =20
> By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale
         i�ll cut the BF�s to 3 or 4, put 3 more Flyboys, and 4
speedtas : 2 with Death rays to soften the Ordinatus and 2 with
LiftaDroopa to destroy the ordinatus, after all you get 4 hits and is
only 4+ to destroy the Ordinatus plus (if you�re lucky) maybe something
        If I could I�ll get some more bikeboys (great speed and

       Alexis Delgado

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Received on Sun Mar 29 1998 - 05:37:38 UTC

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