Re: [Epic] Dark Eldar: Rules, Suggestions, URLS??

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 19:13:25 -0500

Shalom wrote:

> I am currently developing some Ideas i have on a "Dark Eldar" army, for
> Epic40K, regular 40K, NetEpic, and a 40KRPG I'm thinking of running: I
> already have a Hard Copy of Tom Setzer's Khornate Dark Eldar (ne Witch
> Elves)
> But I was wondering if any one has or knows of any other resources on this
> topic?
> Thanks!!
> PS: If yer interested in this, email me and I'll keep you posted!

    The Space Marine section of the old Miniatures page had some
Dark Eldar rules for SM... but I don't know what happened to that
website. Does anyone know where it moved to? (assuming it still

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!"
Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 00:13:25 UTC

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