Re: [Epic] Tyranid Names

From: Elaine P <elainepat_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 06:54:30 PDT

Simon Randall wrote:
>Just for kicks, Haruspexy is the art of divination through examining
>entrails of sacrificial Humans. A haruspex is the officiating preist.
>Its from the hitteits, i belive. If i could spell that.

The Haurspex was a Roman priest. You are correct that the priest
examined the entrails of sacrifice victims, but the victims were small
birds and animals. Seems like I have read where some cultures did use
larger animals such as bulls and occaisionally humans. But I don't know
if it were the Hittities.

To keep the discussion on topic. Has anyone ever seen anything in the
background fluff as to how or why the Imperium gave these names to the


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