I've received about forty answers for the Epic Survey since it was launched
last thursday. I would like to thank all the people who replied it.
But the survey goes on and we need more answers, speak about it to your
friends and fill it up yourself if you didn't reply to it yet!
If you want to add a link to it on your website, please do and warn me, I
will add your URL on the survey page.
I've began to "analyse" the first results and they are very interesting. I
will post them in about one month after the end of the survey.
Thank you for your attention. :o)
Fran�ois Bruntz
L'ORDinateur's Home Page
L'Ordinateur's Epic Page
Epic 40k and Epic Space Marine
Answer the Epic Survey
Last Udpate : 04-16-1998
Received on Tue Apr 21 1998 - 21:59:59 UTC