Re: [Epic] Tyranids : good or evil?

From: Francois Bruntz <Francois.Bruntz_at_...>
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 23:14:36 +0100

Steve a �crit :

> > > So do you think that Tyranids need to destroy/assimilate the whole
> > > galaxy to survive? Can't they just assimilate a part of it? In
> > addition, > as someone already said it, they can't survive as they
> > destroy all they > need to survive. Tyranids don't act for their
> > survival, they make a
> > > suicide.
> >
> > That's exactly why I say they're like locusts. They see food, they
> > eat it. When it runs out they move on. They've got no sense of how
> > "big" the universe is or what'll happen to them if they eat all of it.
> > It's not atypical for species to eat themselves out of existance (give
> > us time, we seem to be doing a decent job of that ourselves) unless
> > they have some sort of inbred population control instincts like
> > lemmings do...
> >
> > But, judging by the fluff, the 'nids don't seem to be "fighting" for
> > any reason beyond the fact that their prey fights back when they try
> > to eat it. They don't seem to be interested in conquering anything
> > since they just seem to show up, eat everything then leave a wasted
> > husk of a planet behind. They're not building empires, they're just
> > really skilled at hunting and procreating.
> >
> > It's kind of like termites, the queen directs the workers and warriors
> > to do their specialized tasks in a vaccum of ignorance (she has no
> > conception that they are weakening the structure that they're invading
> > and that if left unchecked the eventual result is that the place will
> > crash down on their heads). Of course, as the 'nids assimilate more
> > intelligent species who knows how aware they may become...
> >

Well, I must say that your argumentation is convincing. :o)
But I like the idea of a sinister and bad Hive Mind which would not only be
a beast. As GW didn't give enough information about it, no one will know
the truth (which is, as everyone knows, out there :).

Fran�ois Bruntz

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