From: Dave Gentzler <videodave_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 20:39:14 -0400

>I really don't understand this mindset. Why should we expect GW to
>improve their customer service if all we do is gripe and complain about
>how the company is bad, the GW retailers are crooks, and anyone who
>works for them does nothing but lie to us?
>GW as a company has really gone down in the area of customer service.
>That I will agree with, but I grow real tired of hearing people rant and
>how GW sucks. My only question for those types of people is, "If you
>hate them so much, why do you buy their products?"

Well, truth be told, I don't actually spend cash on their stuff (except for
the objective markers, since they were only available from mail order). I
trade off or sell gaming stuff I no longer use (and that has suddenly become
"collectible" over the last few years) to fuel my aquisitions. Other than
some of the E40K stuff I haven't needed many new models.

And the simple reason I have grown to despise GW as a company is that I have
been around to see them go from a GREAT company to the most absurdly
greed-driven behemoth in gaming. I am involved in both the retail and the
hobbyist sides of this, and you simply wouldn't believe how they've begun to
stick it to retailers with absurd terms and raw deals. These are the same
retailers which helped the company get to the point it is today. As a player
of their games my only gripe is the pricing, which I can get around. It is
their utter disregard for all the storeowners who carry their product that
pisses me off. And it will ultimately be their downfall. Bear in mind that I
don't wish to see them go out of business...just come to their senses and
create reasonably priced, playtested, fun games and work WITH retailers for
the mutual success of both parties.

And, like I've said in the newsgroup, if you don't want to read negative
things about GW, put on your rose-colored glasses, whistle a happy tune and
killfile me. My life will go on.

Received on Fri May 22 1998 - 00:39:14 UTC

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