WolfSamurai wrote:
> > You mean that THAT�S NOT FLUFF!!!!?? ork players can actually use
> >> whirlwinds AS whirlwinds?? I thought that that was only fluff
> related
> >> with the un-orky organization of the BloodAxes...
> >>
> >> how much points do they cost and how many can you use and
> where???
> >>
> >> mhhh. gotta start converting those whirlwinds....
> >
> >And you will get "Big Gunz". Sorry. Orks don't get Imperial gear as
> >Imperial gear in Epic 40,000. They do get some in SM/TL.
> Actually I like the idea of Blood Axe Orks having Imperial vehicles.
> As
> long as they're painted the right color (and how hard could that
> really
> be?). Doesn't E41K have the option of Rhinos and Land Raiders?
I find my self in a strange place when it comes to some one asking about
rules, due to the presence of E41K. Yes, if using the E41K expansion to
Epic 40,000 Blood Axes get a rather long list of Imperial stuff, however
only those that are attached to IG forces "seconded" to blood axes are
in fact Imperial stuff. Please see the Blood Ax rule page at
for more details.
The botton line is that in "straight" Epic 40K Orks get Orks stuff and
that's it. E41K does allow some, but only when you have some humies
around to keep the fiddle bits working.
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
Version: 3.1
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5 X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI+++ D G+ e+ h--- r+++ y+++(**)
Received on Mon May 25 1998 - 13:37:02 UTC