>> /2 Mega-Gargants sprues (package price, $25 with sprues below)
>> 2 to alexis_usb_at_...
>> /6 Full Plastic Sprues w/3 battlewagons and 20 generic orks each
>> 6 to alexis_usb_at_...
>> /8 Full Plastic Sprues w/3 bonebreakas from Titan Legions each
>> 8 to alexis_usb_at_...
How much will the shipping be?, the total?,to what address do you
send the M.O. ? At who�s name??
Alexis Delgado
p.d. Sorry I�ve been lacking some sleep (about 20 Hrs) darn
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Received on Thu Jun 11 1998 - 04:42:47 UTC