[Epic] The new stuff seen at Games Day

From: Dave Gentzler <videodave_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 00:10:57 -0400

Well, I just got back from Games Day, and...

The new Chaos plastic sprue was on display. LOTS of stuff on it, but in such
a way that you'll have to buy LOTS of boxes to field any sort of respectable
units. Noise Marines, hounds, the works.

The metal models on display (just a few) were not spikey like the Rhino
pictures in WD. The Land Raider was much more "boxy" than spikey.

And finally (you Eldar guys won't like this):

The new Revnant and Warlord titans were on display. They are, to put it
bluntly, horrible beyond all description. One of the biggest "buzzes" around
the show was how amazingly, uttlery bad these models are. They have lost all
allusion to sleekness and agility and have a look VERY similar to... Ork
They were obviously designed by the same sculptor as the revised gargants.
They are clunky looking and squarish, appearing heavily armored and having
tiny, embarrasingly silly wings on their backs.
I won't be buying any. Apparently, after talking to several of the "very"
few E40K players who played, no one else will be either. Regarding E40K,
most games were played by two or three players versus an outrider (sessions
accomodate up to 4 players per side, which is the norm. The bring and battle
table was vacant at ALL times Friday and had only one solid session of about
6 of us Saturday morning. The only tables more vacant were the GorkaMorka
tables, which were just an embarrassment to GW as over the two days I swear
there were a maximum of six players total between the two bring and battle
tables and many vacancies in the scheduled events.

Bombas Over the Sulfa River shares nothing with Epic except a few minis. It
is simplistic beyond words, flimsy, and has no right being a $20 boxed game.
There have been larger card sections in White Dwarf than are included in
this game.

And my most satisfying moment of Games Day... The E40K titan slugfest. I
used a Warlock titan with twin D-cannons. Smoked a fresh Great Gargant with
ONE shot (hit, then rolled a 12, Catastrophic Damage). It was beautiful
beyond words.

Games Day definitely did not bode well for E40K. A shame, really, because it
is easily their best game from a tactical standpoint.
Received on Sun Jun 14 1998 - 04:10:57 UTC

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