Re: [Epic] The new stuff seen at Games Day

From: Dave Gentzler <videodave_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:01:35 -0400

>Thank you for the report. How many games of Epic did you get in, how many
of the
>players were new to you, and what did the other epic players say about the
>Environment where they played?

I was in three, although I could've played nonstop for both days, because
EVERY scheduled Epic event had vacancies, meaning you could just show up at
the table when the session started and play. The typical game was two or
three guys versus an outrider or two. Not good, considering the scenarios
are designed for 4 players per side...

Other than the guys I went down with, the other players were a mix of older
players (adults) who had played for a long time and kids who had never
played and had no idea how the system worked (which sucked because it brings
a game to a screeching halt. We got TWO turns in on that one. And I was
running a flyer detachment. Whoo-hoo!)

The two "scenarios" I played in were pretty horrid for different reasons.
The first was the Guard-v-Orks desert table. I controlled the Ork force (The
WHOLE ork force, 'cause I was one of only three players). After the first
turn, I realized something was fishy. After carefully checking detachment
cards, I realized the orks had been out pointed by around 400 points. Ork
infantry vs Guard artillery and a Leman Russ company equals many, many dead
orks. No fun at all.

The second was Eldar-v-Bugs. The problem with this one was that (at least
this is what we were told) the outrider who was supposed to run it didn't
show so a sub was brought in last minute. The forces were patched together
quickly, and it showed. I had a single flyer detachment of two eldar Phoenix
flyers and three Vampires. If you play Eldar, you know this is not valid.
Nor was my war engine detachment of a Cobra and a Scorpion. My friend was
given a Harlequin/Wave Serpent unit, but there weren't enough Wave Serpents
to transport the detachment! And Wave Serpents are pretty zoggin' useless
against a force which ignores Blast Markers unless you're transporting
troops. Also, for this one we had no detachment cards at all. When we needed
to know a range or anything, we had to grab the book. I have no idea if the
points were even close to being matched, but it really didn't matter on
account of we only managed to get two turns in during the session because of
slow boy. They should institute some kind of experience-level minimum for
scenario tables. There were plenty of intro tables to learn the game basics,
and they were very vacant.

The third was the King of the Hill titan slugfest, which was actually very
fun. Only one inexperienced kid who had his Phantom taken down by two
Warhounds (I delivered the killing shot with my Warlock, but the 'hounds did
the vast majority of the pummeling). One guy had a Heirophant, which caused
us all much concern initially (it was a very urban table. Fire lanes were
restricted for most of us, but Heirophants ignore the terrain rules and
could skitter OVER the buildings and engage you). Fortunately, it was beaten
to death by a Warlord before it got to our end of the table. And I
introduced the Great Gargant player to the effect of a d-cannon. It was
great. The player-teams actually used joint tactics and fire support. I'd
have played this one repeatedly, but the first Saturday session was the only
time there was more than one other player interested.

I can't wait for you guys to get a look at the new Eldar titans, though. I
seriously think they are the least "in character for the race" models ever
created by GW. And I predict they'll be the worst selling Epic pieces
released for E40K, bar none.
Received on Sun Jun 14 1998 - 22:01:35 UTC

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