Re: [Epic] New Phantom (aka Making the Best of the Situation)

From: Los <los_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:23:09 -0400

Dave Gentzler wrote:

> >Morning sunlight is very good for being critical of your miniatures, it
> >is a very unforgiving light. When I have finished a minniature, I always
> >place it on my nightstand, so when I wake up it is the first thing I see,
> >that way I can give it a relatively fresh and unbiased viewing before
> >full consciousness sets in. I spot about 80% of my errors in this way.
> >
> I still must be doing something wrong. When I leave mine in the sunlight,
> they just melt. The new long bases curve into a really neat half-circle that
> may or not be usable for jewelry depending on your tastes.

  Warning: Do not do this if you live on Mercury!

Received on Sat Jun 20 1998 - 03:23:09 UTC

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