Suprisingly enough, there are quite a few companies making very nice 15mm
fantasy figures. Also, a lot of other scales are very adaptable to 15mm
( 25mm goblin = 15mm ogre, 25mm ogre = 15mm giant, Epic scale tyranids,
demons, primarchs = 15mm small monsters, etc. )
If you are looking for a good mass fantasy battle system, I would strongly
recommend checking out FR!
-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine P [mailto:elainepat_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 5:40 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: [Epic] OT 15mm Fantasy Rulesets was Warhammer Fantasy Epic
Thane Morgan wrote:
<snip part about Warhammer Fantasy-Epic>
> I've been working on a 15mm rules system for fantasy wargaming, and
>much more intersting at that scale. I don't know if 6mm would be too
>great for monsters, lousy for units.
>Plus if the HTH system was like EPics, I would never play it.
Have you had a chance to look at ChipCo's Fantasy Rules! ruleset? It
has a lot of interesting ideas & can be played with any scale figures.
The 2nd edition of the game is comes out after July 4th (It is being
released at Origins first).
There are already companies producing 6mm, 10mm, & 15mm fantasy figures.
Hordes of the Things (HoTT) & Fantasy Rules! (FR!) are the most popular
rulesets for these scales followed by modified WRG & DBM rules.
However, there are not many 15mm large monsters such as chimera,
manticores, griffons, etc.
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Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 16:34:16 UTC