Re: [Epic] Ork Warband Size Question

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 19:08:38 -0400

At 01:26 AM 6/29/98 PDT, you wrote:
>Carl Billen a icrit :
>>What is the average size for an all-infantry Ork Warband (expreseed >in
>>stands) ?
>This is a good question and I thank you to ask it...
>The main problem could be to transport all your detachment : I don't
>know if you should buy battle wagons or not...
>Francois Bruntz

Yeah, that IS the problem. Too many boys and not enough wagons makes for a
slow detachment, and the slots you spend in support for wagons could be
used for something a bit more useful, especially if you're not worried
about your boyz getting anywhere in a reasonable amount of time.

One idea that I had been toying with was a huge detat of boyz and gunz
brought onto the field by a full detat of battle fortresses (5 of them,
that is). Each bfort can cary 4 units, so that make a fairly large detat
of 20 infantry units able to move about 30 cm each turn, and count as
normal movement instead of marching. Granted, that's a lot of bforts,
but they would put out a combined firepower of 40 at 45 cm. Very good
support for the infantry they carry, don't you think?

In any case, I haven't made pure infantry detats because of the severe
mobility constraints. I usually try to mechanize by detats, because
a march of 75 cm (bwagons) can get you well onto the board, in position
for the next turn of movement.

Received on Tue Jun 30 1998 - 23:08:38 UTC

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