[Epic] Ork Warband Size Question

From: Carl Billen <Carl.Billen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 09:58:35 +0200

What is the average size for an all-infantry Ork Warband (expreseed in
stands) ?

I consulted Stephen Sheldon's excellent 'E40K Detachment' list, and almost
all detachments of Elias were 'Mechanised Infantry' Warbands, containing
Battlewagons for transport, and Elaine's detachments were kept small to keep
the flavour of all the Ork Clans contained in 2000 pts. I'd just like to
know how many stands (on average) a 'pure infantry' Warband needs... 20 ?
30? 40?

With a possible 42 infantry stands and 10 Dreads/Stompas or 20 BigGuns or 30
Battlewagons/Buggies/Bikes you can have really big warbands you can have a
great variety of sizes, but which size is most practical/playable ?

Any tips are welcome...

Carl Billen
Received on Mon Jun 29 1998 - 07:58:35 UTC

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