Re: [Epic] Talking about the FUN stuff.... :)

From: Tzeentch <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 14:50:09 -0700

>Stephen Sheldon wrote:
>> > No, just become a lot more difficult. How do you think the Orks and
>> > Tyranids and everyone else get around? They sure don't use the
>> > Astronomicon. Harder does not equal impossible. :)
>> Orks ride Hulks until they fall out of the warp and then they propel the
>> hulk to the nearest star system, they do not navigate, they drift. As for
>> the Tyranids, they sent a precursory force of stealers who did the same
>> thing as the orks, I have often wondered if they use the patriarchs of
>> the stealers as beacons in the same way as the astronomicon.

Hmm, obviously we are reading different fluff or something. Yes the Orks do
tool around in Hulks that they patch up. But they DO navigate- if not very

And as for Tyranids- in the Tyranid fluff I have read (Hive War) they DO
navigate- without Stealer Cults. The stealer cults just help the Tyranids
find nice planets full of biologicals to absorb.

The Emperors death would hose up a lot of the Fleet but would not cause all
warp travel to stop. After all, humanity did just great during the Dark Age
when the Emperor was drinking orange smoothies and listening to the Beastie
Boys :) The Astronomicon is great to have around but it's more of a helper-
like a real life navigation beacon. The current fluff may be somewhat
unclear on this, but in the RT books it was made clear. The Rogue Traders
themselves go beyond the Astronomicons reach as they tool arounf the Eastern
Fringe (or whatever its called).

So to reiterate: The Astronomicon is great but would not hose the Imperium
if it disappeared.

PS: The history section of Adeptus Titanicus is on my site- maybe you should
check that out. Not much detail but it does show what the old fluff was
like. Back in the good old days when the Emperor required a 100 souls to
eat a day.... <munch, munch>

>> Steve
>they do. The stealer cult is a beacon for the rest of the hive fleet
Received on Thu Jul 02 1998 - 21:50:09 UTC

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