Re: [Epic] Warlord Battlegroups

From: Tony Christney <acc_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 18:59:52 -0800

>OK guys, I have a question for you all: how would you arm a long-range
>Warlord Battlegroup? I want to put one together as I have a bunch of
>titan weapons and a few Warlord sprues laying around, BUT I hardly ever
>use titans myself and when I have to face off against them they are
>almost always armed with short/medium ranged stuff. What I'm really
>looking for is 3 titans each with some individuality (ie, I don't want
>3 titans armed with the same exact weapons) that are able to support
>each other reasonably well. Ideas?

Well, one of my favorite loadouts is 2 gatling blasters, plasma cannon/destr.
and FCC. Makes for a devastating multipurpose long range killing machine.
Has the dice to strip shields and do serious damage to titans/SHV, and can
do wonders against infantry and tanks, too.

Against hordes of infantry I like to take 3 MRL's and either a BML or a
carapace landing pad. Add in a deathstrike cannon to take out a building
or two.

Against armies with large numbers of heavy tanks, I would take a Titan
with a Plasma cannon/destructor, 2 volcano cannon and either a warp or
vortex missle. If there are more numerous tanks with poorer armour,
replace the volcano cannons with turbo laser destructors. Against infantry
and Eldar, deny them buildings to hide in/behind with quake cannons instead.

Hope this helps.

Tony Christney
Received on Sat Mar 01 1997 - 02:59:52 UTC

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