[Epic] Random Thoughts

From: <anvil_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 18:34:12 -0400

With all of the discussion of how WH40k compares to E40k, I couldn't
help but post my feelings. To quote "Wierd AL", "I'd rather have my
blood sucked out by leeches" then spend any time playing WH40k. The game
mechanics are stupid at best, downright mystifying at worst. I believe
there are more exceptions to rules than there are rules! It interacts
with the fluff very badly. Terminators are really tough and hard troops
but there main weapon is no more effective than a grunt marines? Give me
Warzone any day, at least I don't have to use those damn d6's.
  As to how WH40k and E40k compare, don't. They are different games with
different rules. I like my E40k just the way it is. If you want epic
more like 40k, try playing 40k with epic figs. Talk about a money saver.
Where else can you get 78 IG figs for $10? (I saw this in a Dwarf once).
There is nothing wrong with land raiders or biovores or eldar or space
marines that courtesy between opponents cannot fix. My usual opponent
restrains himself admirably. One fellow I played had 6 deathstrikes and
complained because they only got 1 shot. I don't play him anymore.
  Some of the points I've seen on the list are valid, some amusing. (I
liked the sports thing, it's kind of like blowing off steam with a group
of friends). This is the best mailing list I've ever seen. Don't take
any of this to seriously, and we will all benefit.
  Thanks for reading this far

veteran of the Psychic (hotline) wars
officially my 27.63333 cents
Received on Fri Jul 10 1998 - 22:34:12 UTC

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