Re: [Epic] Land Raiders

From: Aaron Day <akkala_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 17:58:13 -0500

The Forgotten Spice Girl wrote:
> 2. If you play SM only, then I will have to vehemently disagree with you!
> Come on, man! It's the only means our dear Adeptus Astartes have of even
> coming close to destroying titans/war machines! Even the darn Orks get
> death rays! Eldar get disrupt weapons like they grow from trees! Chaos
> get demons. Tyranids get first class assault forces, plus mycetic spores
> and the ever annoying gargoyles, and also get to ignore morale checks!

Ok, I get it. We can't get rid of SM screw weapon because then they
would be beaten by everyone elses scew weapon. OK.

Seriously, my beef is that while sitting down do design my SM army I'd
like to think "Ok, I'll take a few LR in case I encounter something
tough, plus a bunch of Predators because they are cheaper and more
general purpose. Then I'll throw in a few ....". But now I sit there
thinking "Wow, the LR rocks. How many can I take before its cheesy?". To
me thats not as much fun especially when those LR vape my opponent's
well though out, balanced force true to all the fluff etc etc.

Is it too much to ask for a balanced, play tested point system?

Still, the three things that get me about Epic are:

AT guns too good
Multiple Disrupts make winning too easy
Titan weapons are boring

I'll drop the subject now.

Aaron Day - signing off for a while and hoping for a newer version
Received on Fri Jul 10 1998 - 22:58:13 UTC

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