Re: [Epic] Titans and CC (a new theory...)

From: Thomas Bloom <tbloom_at_...>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 14:00:06 -0500

>At 02:38 PM 1/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>>I was having a think about the frightening vulnerability of titans to close
>>>combat by swarms of cheap troops and it occurs to me that in fact there is
>>>no problem at all...
>Sorry Thomas, but only orcs chaos and tyranids can place templates over
>friendly troops. I know that the zero save stuff can't hurt a void shielded
>titan (or a 1+ save super heavy) but "good guys" still can't shoot friendlies.

Find me any rule covering friendly fire for any race. 'Sides, I've never
really thought of Hummans as the "Good Guys". Just as the guys most like
us. I think you might be using background as rules. If you want an
appropriate background type of story, think, what would be more heroic than
to die for The Emperor by calling down his wrath on his enemies as they
overun you? There are pleanty of examples in the real world of troops
calling in artilery on thier own possitions, and the 40k world is supposed
to be evan darker, life even cheaper.

"...'cause when its time to collect its only heroes who pay..." Ministry, Hero

Received on Sun Mar 02 1997 - 19:00:06 UTC

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