[Epic] Da ork powers!!!!!!!

From: Bourragué <Yves.Bourrague_at_...>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 15:03:56 +0200

Hello, how are you all human?
> A green skin wrote :
> >Waaaaaghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
> >Yes, waaaaggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >On saturday 18 july :
> >Finally some space marine were die under the bolt of ork on this day
> I assume that you play Orks. :)
Yak, that goodz answerz human, waaaghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

> So, forgot all these death rays and other mega-cannons which can't do
> anything agaisnt Eldar holofields.
  For the mega-cannon i'm agree, but for the death rays with the little
help of the head of gork. ( the ork people like dream.)
 Same comment about weapons with
> barrage templates, this kind of weapon is useless against titans. Choose
> heavy weapons batteries : high fire power can easily elude the
> holofields and each hit will be a critical one.
>Yak, i'm agree with you, the heavy weapon is the solution.

 Your big problem will be to get in range with these titans : you don't
> have long range weapons and Phantoms are really fast...
> OK,OK,OK, this battle will be very hard for me.
> Be very careful when engaging Eldar titans : their holofields can
> protect them against your close assault attacks so be sure to have
> higher AV when you charge them.
Yes, i was try with hierophant, it's a mega catastrophic experiment
> I suggest that you don't isolate your gargants, they will be able to
> support each other in firefights and close assauts.
> Yak, the ork's power is their number
> Last thing, pray Gork and Mork because I don't think Gargants without
> any support can stand against Eldar titans which are War Engine Killers!
> :(
> Yes i'm pray gorka and morka ( ork's engine god).
> Now, I'm waiting for your battle report with impatience! ;oD
> Sorry, but the battle will make tomorow, waiting just one little day.
Received on Sun Jul 19 1998 - 13:03:56 UTC

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