Re: [Epic] UK bases 40k sale? completely OT

From: Colen McAlister <brother_morgan_at_...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:43:25 +0100

In article <Pine.A32.3.95.980729180458.20498A-100000_at_...-
Duisburg.DE>, Dirk Vormann <> writes
>Is it true there is a 40k sale in the UK this weekend???
>Does anyone know how much below retail?
>Most importantly: any UK resident willing to buy some stuff for me?

Check Portent, it has it right. Basically, 40K & Dark Millenium, UKP 15.
Codexes UKP 2 each (small ones UKP 1), or all for UKP 15, all orks half

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister        <mailto:brother_morgan_at_...>
UIN 13168333                                     <>
Thought for the day:              IRC EFNet: #babylon5 and #warhammer Op
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Received on Wed Jul 29 1998 - 18:43:25 UTC

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