[Epic] Ork Mekboyz

From: Crocker, Cyril <ccrocker_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 08:43:57 -0400

I was thinking about some of the things of SM 2nd ed. last night when
the Mekboyz cards popped into my mind. Knowing that Mekboyz on their
own have no real value to Epic 40k (not 41k), I thought that for an
extra 5 points per mekboy vehicle or boyz mob (i.e. adding a mek to the
stand) that the Ork player may randomly draw one mekboy card. The cards
would be loosely based on the 2nd edition cards but obviously modified
to Epic40k rules. What do people think of this idea? The cards
wouldn't be overly powerful on their own (i.e. no double firepower or
such) and would again have the chance of drawbacks. I'm going to try
this in my next game hopefully and see how well it works.

Cyril Crocker
Computer Technician
Proctor & Redferrn Ltd.
Received on Thu Aug 06 1998 - 12:43:57 UTC

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