Re: [Epic] Disrupt

From: Colen \ <brother_morgan_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 23:26:16 +0100

Tzeenecht_at_... scribbles:
> Does a Disrupt Night Spinner since it is artillary use a barrage template
>at all?Scott claims that since it is artillary he uses a barrage template to
>hit anything under it. I completely disagree.I think a disrupt has nothing to
>do with a barrage template.he says that if two detachments are under the
>barrage template they are both hit.This is ok if you have two Night
>Spinnersbecause it is splitting fire but if you have 3 NS then it isn't
>splitting fire it is more of a barrage. Please answer.I am exspecialy waiting
>for an answer from you Greg.

You are correct, sir. Artillery has nothing to do with barrage

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister        <mailto:brother_morgan_at_...>
IRC EFNet: #babylon5 and #warhammer ChanOp       <>
Thought for the day:                                        UIN 13168333
A committee is twelve people doing the work of one.
Received on Sat Aug 22 1998 - 22:26:16 UTC

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