Re: [Epic] Disrupt

From: <Tzeenecht_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 16:58:48 EDT

     Does a Disrupt Night Spinner since it is artillary use a barrage template
at all?Scott claims that since it is artillary he uses a barrage template to
hit anything under it. I completely disagree.I think a disrupt has nothing to
do with a barrage template.he says that if two detachments are under the
barrage template they are both hit.This is ok if you have two Night
Spinnersbecause it is splitting fire but if you have 3 NS then it isn't
splitting fire it is more of a barrage. Please answer.I am exspecialy waiting
for an answer from you Greg.

Received on Sat Aug 22 1998 - 20:58:48 UTC

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