Re: [Epic] Chaos Marine Air Defense & Artillery (E40K)

From: <fourmillers_at_...>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 23:36:04 -0500

>I understand your confusion but I think this is an error and the
>detachments in the Army List headed "Chaos Space Marine . . . " is what is
>meant. This is equivilant to my long-term confusion over what is an Ork
>Battlewagon. In the third paragraph on Army, p47 it says that "not all
>Battlewagons have wheels or tracks" and goes on to describe Stompas,
>Dreadnoughts etc.

------------> There Is No Controversy Here: The vehicle listed as
"Battlewagon" on the vehicle list is the only "Battlewagon". This is an
example of going past the answer and coming out the other side. Does a
reference to "Imperial" units include units of imperial origin which now
fight for the bad guys known as "Chaos"?

>Does this mean that the boyz can hitchlifts on Stompas? Or Dreadnoughts?
>Or Squiggoths? Or Flakwagons? Or Speedstas? Or only on the things
>specifically listed as being "Battlewagons." Despite the confusion of the
>words I had to admit - eventually - that what had been intended was just
>the Battlewagons and the sight of five Orks hanging off a dreadnought was
>not actually intended. And I re-adjusted my detachments.

--------> Thank goodness. Many people don't, and playing them can be a most
unpleasant experience. There have been some holes and unclear portions of
these rules but neither the battlewagons or Chaos detachment thing strikes
me as one of them. This usually seems to come from what people think the
rules should say, as opposed to what they do say. Also, though I think the 2
games are relevant in many ways to one another (Example: 40K orks don't ride
on dreadnoughts) I see way too many assumptions in Epic based on 40K which
do not correspond to the Epic rules.

Not trying to rip on anyone specific, just tired of seeing decent game
systems choked with questions of dubious worth.

I'm sure somebody's ticked, though : )

Chris Miller
Received on Sun Sep 06 1998 - 04:36:04 UTC

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